The Intentional Creation of the



While the significance of the Stillpoint geometry has been thoroughly explained, this section describes in geometric detail how it is found in the three celestial bodies absolutely critical to our existence . . . the

Earth , Moon . Sun

What follows is a 2-dimensional proof of what was presented in the animation in the HEART OF SACRED GEOMETRY section.

The story begins with the geometry of the Stillpoint . . . the Vector Equilibrium.

Yellow Vector Equilibrium wiht all appexes connected with a line to the center

The Vector Equilibrium

12 points around 1 . . . all vectors . . . distances between




Yelow Vector Equilibriu with purple edges, out of focus, showing energy lines

The Energy emerging from the

Stillness at the Center

This is the form latent energy takes, exploding through the Stillpoint.

Beginning with light and all it brings, this is how energy/information, moves through the Universe.

Generated from the geometry of the Stillpoint at its center . . . the Vector Equilibrium.

It is called the


. . . the shape of the movement of the primal

Still . Point

within the manifested


From Isaac Newton’s translation Thoth’s Emerald Tablet:

'And as all things have arose from One by the mediation of One: so all things have their birth from this One thing by adaptation.

The Sun is its father, the Moon its mother, the Wind hath carried it in its belly, the Earth its nurse.'

From Indries Shah’s translation Thoth’s Emerald Tablet:

'Everything is formed from the contemplation of Unity, and all things come about from Unity, by means of adaptation.

Its parents are the Sun and Moon. It was borne by the Wind and nurtured by the Earth.'




One . Unity

The original point from which all things have arisen.



is the


The way energy moves and the way ‘all things come about’ in the manifested Universe through



Will to Awaken

is the

Purpose . Engine


that drives the process.

The Vector Equilibrium, the geometry of the Stillpoint, is created through the intersection of the Sphere (Spirit) with the midpoints of the edges of the Octahedron (Matter)

In sacred-geometrical terms, it is the joining of Spirit/Heaven (Sphere) with Matter/Earth (Octahedron).


Twelve Poinsts around One

Describing a point that doesn’t exist.


The following geometric forms are expressions of the original Vector Equilibrium as the Stillpoint expands to infinity.

Purlpe Vector Equilibrium, 8 triangels, 6 squares, blue Star Tetrahedron, black background

Double penetrating Star Tetrahedron and 64-Sphere/Tetrahedron Matrix with the Vector Equilibrium

Lavender Flower of Life pattern, interconnecting circles, dark blue background

The Stillpoint geometry shown in 2 Dimensions . . .

The Flower of Life

The Stillpoint is the purest expression of the perfect balance of polarities that underlie the

geometric fabric of the



What follows is a detailed two-dimensional geometric proof (animated in the THE HEART OF SACRED GEOMETRY section) showing that the Earth, Moon, and Sun are symbolic expressions of this non-manifesting


Stillpoint Geometry

Blue circles with bright white center - Flower of Life pattern - heart of sacred geometry

The original Sphere, the 1st Layer,

is dimensioned to the diameter of the



(Click on image to open in a larger view)


The 3rd layer sphere is accented.

The original Moon sphere is multiplied in all directions from the central Point through

the Flower of Life/Stillpoint geometry . . .

12 point/spheres around the central point . . . to infinity

The earliest known Jewish text on magic and cosmology, the Sefer Yetzira (Book of Creation), appeared sometime between the 3rd and the 6th century. It explained creation as a process involving the ten divine numbers, or Sephirot, and the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet representing the 22 paths between the Sephirot. Taken together, they were said to constitute the ‘32 paths of secret wisdom' - a dramatic reference to the number 32, the number of sphere/tetrahedrons represented by the nineteen circles in the two-dimensional Flower of Life, and referred to as the thirty-two Children of Light in Tablet 2 of the Emerald Book of Thoth . . . the 3rd Layer Sphere of the Stillpoint geometry . . . all growing from the point in the center.

The 400th layer sphere is the diameter of the  




The Original 64 Interpenetrating Sphere/Tetrahedrons of the 3rd Layer Sphere, forming the Double-penetrating

Star Tetrahedron and the Vector Equilibrium.

64 gold tetrahedrons within 64 purple spheres, dark purple background

Each of these 64 spheres circumscribes a tetrahedron.
The tetrahedrons embedded within each sphere orient the geometry . . .
culminating in the double-penetrating Star Tetrahedron.

The 64 spheres around the original point, the Stillpoint, are synonymous with the 64-cell stage
of our own experience 7 days after conception . . . evolution weaving the Stillpoint into the cycles of time . . .

The Cycles of the Moon

An Octahedron is now introduced, tangent to the 3rd layer sphere at its faces.
Within this 3rd layer sphere, two Tetrahedrons are introduced,
the axis of each aligned with the vertical axis.  

White octahedron tangent to sphere enclosing two interpentrating brown tetrahedrons

A sphere is created that is tangent to the two horizontal planes of the Tetrahedrons
which intersects the 3rd layer sphere at 19.47 degrees.

The diameter is that sphere is the diameter of the


White octahedron tangent to 3rd Layer spher, brown on black

1st Layer Sphere, the Moon, expands to 3rd Layer Sphere, tangent to the Octahedron at its faces. 

Seen in 2 dimensions as the Flower of Life.

Brown 3rd Layer sphere with white Octahedron tangent

Side and Top view of Octohedron seen perpendicular to its base.

The Octohedron

circumscribes or is tangent to, the 3rd layer sphere,

at its faces.

Brown Earth sphere tangent to white Octahedron

The Octahedron seen from a corner, or apex.

The larger sphere is tangent to the midpoints of the edges of the Octahedron.

The diameter of this sphere is that of


White on black image of Flower of Life showing progression from Flower of Life to Earth and Moon

The Stillpoint geometry . . . the original thought . . . has been intentionally embedded in the dimensions of the

Earth , Moon . Sun

This is a



(Click on image for a larger view)

The accuracy upon which these dimensions are based can be found in ACCURACY: EARTH MOON SUN.

All of the above is an expression of the acceleration of the evolution of consciousness in the Universe.

We are awakening


We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.

Through the unknown, remembered gate
When the last of earth left to discover
Is that which was the beginning;

At the source of the longest river
The voice of the hidden waterfall
And the children in the apple-tree
Not known, because not looked for
But heard, half-heard, in the stillness
Between two waves of the sea.

T.S. Eliot


The next section, GUIDANCE, examines the various aspects of the communication as signposts that serve to guide those trying to navigate their way through the gauntlet of the evolution of consciousness in the Universe - us.

Green trees surrounding brown path, bright sunlight trees in backround at center
