Perfect Total Eclipse
The animation in THE HEART OF SACRED GEOMETRY section, which provides compelling evidence that the Earth, Moon and Sun are symbolic expressions of the non-manifesting Stillpoint geometry, also includes the equally 'impossible' (scientifically speaking) intentional eclipse of the Sun by the Moon. This section goes into more depth regarding perfect total eclipse, adding more detail and empirical evidence that this phenomenon happens intentionally, and not by chance.
Have you ever thought about it . . .
wondered how and why the Earth and the Moon are the exact same size in the sky?
It is the backgroind of our lives.
The Sun just happens to be exactly 400 times larger than the Moon,
while just happening to be exactly 400 times further away from Earth than the Moon at the time of perfect total
The story now goes into more precise scientific detail that can be mind-boggling, but is the necessary underpinning
proving that perfect total eclipse of the Sun by the Moon happens
The Sun is 400 times larger than the Moon while 400 times further away from the Earth at the time of total eclipse.
Interesting, yes?
(Regarding accuracy, see ECLIPSE)
A subtle element of this remarkable fact – exponentially multiplying the unlikelihood of its happening - is that while the Sun is exactly 400 times larger than the Moon and always has been, it is only 400 times farther away from the Earth than the Moon in this tiny window of time in our solar system's history . . . when we happen to be alive.
According to science’s most accepted hypothesis, the Moon was created by some kind of cosmic assailant that crashed into Earth 4.5 billion years ago and has been slowly moving away from the Earth for all that time.
We are halfway through the Sun’s and our solar system’s estimated life span of 10 billion years.
During this vast expanse of time, as the Moon slowly expands her orbit, there is a tiny
1% Window
of 100 million years where
Perfect Total Eclipse
of the Sun by the Moon is possible as seen from Earth.
A perfect total eclipse happens when the Sun is fully obscured by the Moon . . . a black disk sliding glacially across the blinding disk of the Sun . . . until only the corona of the Sun is visible.
A long moment of platinum, surreal, silent, darkness.
A reminder that things aren’t always what they seem.
Also within this same 100 million-year window, it is only within the last 200,000 years, or .2% of that time, that humans like us . . .
Homo Sapien
have existed.
‘Coincidentally’, we not only are alive, but have only just NOW reached a level of consciousness and technological advancement where we’re finally able to be aware of the true nature of this phenomenon.
Below is a graphic that gives a visual sense of what has just been said. The red circles in the centers of the timelines represent the window of time relative to the line of time.
Windows in Time
The first window, the 100 million years when perfect total eclipse is possible within the estimated 10 billion-year life of our solar system (1%) is no more than a tiny circle.
The second window, the 200,000-year window of time that humans have existed within this 100-million-year window (.2%) is tinier still.
The third window, the 200,000-year window of time that humans like ourselves have existed within the 3.5 billion-year existence of life on this planet (.006%) is a pinpoint that is barely visible.
The movement of the Moon away from Earth and the evolution of life on Earth
. . . two separate timelines, each lasting billions of years . . .
coincide in the infinitesimally tiny window - or pinpoint - in time . . .
when we - a blink of an eye in the vastness of time - are alive to witness it . . .
Life began on Earth 3.5 billion years ago and has slowly evolved to coincide perfectly with the slow movement of the Moon from Earth, such that we are able to witness perfect total eclipse in our lifetimes . . . now.
This extraordinary crossroad in time is part of the
Within the 200,000-year window we’ve existed as we now are, it is only within the last few thousand years that the scientific cause of total eclipse has begun to be understood - the Moon blocking the Sun so precisely, so exactly . . . and only within the last 2,200 years have the general sizes of the Sun and Moon been known.
And it is only now that the true cause of perfect total eclipse has been known . . .
The Intentional Creation of Our
Solar System
by an
Higher Intelligence
It will be shown that there are more vast timelines, lasting thousands to millions to billions of years, that coincide and dramatically point to the unequaled significance of being alive and aware of this . . .
Critically, the geometric proof shown in the animation in the HEART OF SACRED GEOMETRY section, as well as in the PROOF section to follow, with the Moon being the 1st Layer Sphere in the Flower of Life pattern, and the Sun being the 400th Layer Sphere and the Earth a part of all of this, means that this was intentionally done as a symbolic expression of the non-manifesting Stillpoint geometry . . . as a
This is only one of many such ‘coincidences’ in our solar system.
Imagine the Moon moving slowly away from the Sun for 4.5 billion years to find itself, today, within the 100 million- year, or 1% pinpoint of a window of the solar system’s estimated life span, where the perfect total eclipse of the Sun is possible.
Now imagine life beginning on Earth some 3.5 billion years ago, and ever so slowly evolving to find itself, today, within a .006% pinpoint window of that time, or 200,000 years, where homo sapiens - us - have existed.
It’s only in the past 20+ years (.o1% pf 200,000 & 5.71428571 × 10-7% of 3.5 billion) that evolving consciousness on Earth became aware of this.
We are alive within this pinpoint of time where we’re able to witness and understand the phenomenon.
It is also only
that we have become aware that this is not a coincidence and only now that we have reached
level for human life on
This is not like anything else witnessed with any of the 65 major moons in our solar system . . .
anywhere else in the
now thousands of planetary systems science has located in the observed
These phenomena are intentional expressions of the most sacred geometry there is . . . the non-manifesting
The Stillpoint is the interface between the implicate ‘Limitless Mind of God’
and the explicate world within which we live and evolve.
The Stillpoint geometry found in the dimensions of the Earth, Moon and Sun, as well as perfect, total
is a profound
to US
about the
unequaled importance of expanded, enlightened
From Earth, this powerful phenomenon of the eclipse of the Sun by the Moon manifests as a shadow moving across the land . . . at three times the speed of sound. This tiny bullseye, averaging 80 miles in diameter, moves over the Earth at blinding speed, visiting the entire populated world at one time or another every eighteen months over vast amounts of time, never visiting the same place in less than fifteen generations . . . the world as we've always known it, transformed in a moment into a magical, mystical, mythical, iridescent landscape of an alien world. A constant reminder that we cannot make assumptions about our world, that something else is going on. All at once. All new. All
Perfect Total Eclipse: August 21st, 2017, Oregon, Snake River, Idaho
Photograph by Jon Carmichael
We have been constantly and dramatically reminded of this by the regular perfect total eclipse of the Sun by the Moon - only possible within the tiny window of time during which humans happen to be alive as the Moon moves slowly away from the Earth. This powerful and striking aspect of the communication has been experienced by humanity for our entire history as something mysterious, visceral, and instinctively foreboding . . . a regular shock from what is considered 'normal' . . . and embedded deep into our collective subconscious over many thousands of years. It is only in modern times that we've come to understand this aspect of the message scientifically . . . making clear its intentionality and purpose.
How does one describe that which is indescribable? Consider for a moment the incredible scope and grandeur of this communication and the choreography and planning that went into it.
On August 21st, 2017, high on a ridge above the Snake River, the boundary between Idaho and Oregon as it winds its way through the endless, brown, grass-covered hills of late summer, I experienced total eclipse and attempted to write it down as best I could.
From the Epilogue to Stillpoint:
Once again, my daily pace was immediately challenged by the almost painfully slow advance of the Moon . . . but I kept my gaze constant – and I began to merge with this ancient, cosmic, ultimately dignified cyclic pavan of Sun and Moon and Earth. But I am ever so human and, as in meditation, my mind chattered away, interrupting my intention to become one with the almost imperceptible movement. In time, my chatter dropped away, leaving me in total, grand, infinite silence with our ancestors.
And this is where my jump into the unknown truly began.
I began to see the blinding circle of Sun, and the emerging black circle of the Moon sliding across it, not as two-dimensional disks, but as spheres . . . as three-dimensional orbs far far far away in the endless space. I could feel the distance now separating all three of us . . . me sitting on the surface of Earth, the Moon hundreds of thousands of miles away, the Sun many millions of miles beyond that . . . each coming into impossibly precise, proportional, intentional alignment with each other. I could feel the distance and 'see' the spheres now . . . and felt at one with a kind of unspeakably profound, stately, ritual - an intentionally choreographed performance like nothing I'd ever experienced in my life, still painfully slow to this impatient human, but so very clearly, and eternally, real – and happening right now. I was being attuned to an entirely different frequency or vibration . . . I was being brought into resonance, entrained, with something way beyond human. I surrendered.
The almost inconceivable distance had transformed the orbital speed of the Moon around the Sun . . . which is almost precisely three times the speed of sound, that now familiar whole number proportion . . . to a movement almost imperceptible to discern. My God . . . the scale of all this! It was impossible at this point not to feel the presence of something that was infinitely greater than myself.
I continued watching this grand drama unfold and then, precisely half way to totality, the vesica pisces appeared . . . the circumference of each disk precisely intersecting the center of the other . . . the most basic pattern in the non-manifesting Flower of Life, Stillpoint geometry . . . the geometry of consciousness. A teaching on many levels was happening before our eyes. But this aspect, the intellectual, was not available to those who lived so long ago. I was soon to find out that humanity had been prepared at the instinctive/emotional level beyond my imagining for thousands of years.
The Vesica Pisces
Perfect Total Eclipse: August 21st, 2017
Oregon, Snake River, Idaho
The next section, EARTH MOON SUN, addresses the equally unexplained geometric precision of the relationship of the orbits of the planetary archetypes.