
From Meher Baba’s Listen Humanity:

‘Before the beginning of all beginnings, the infinite ocean of God was completely self-forgetful. The utter and unrelieved oblivion of the self-forgetful, Infinite Ocean of God in the beyond-beyond state was broken in order that God should consciously know his own fullness of divinity.

It was for this sole purpose that consciousness proceeded to evolve. Consciousness itself was latent in the beyond-beyond state of God. Also latent in this same beyond-beyond state of God, was the original whim (lahar) to become conscious. It was this original whim that brought latent consciousness into manifestation (form) for the first time. Slowly and tediously consciousness approaches its apex in the human form, which is the goal of the evolutionary process, and thereby an individual mind gradually differentiates itself from the sea of oblivion . . .’


‘. . . this innocence waking up, realizing that everything is itself, even all the confusion and all the ignorance . . . everything . . . this is the dissolving of confusion, of ignorance, of karma . . . awareness yielding to itself, to its inherent creativity, to its expression in form, to experience itself’ . . . and finally . . . ‘only awareness remaining'.

‘In the course of innumerable universes, the pulsating Metaverse realizes all that the primeval plenum held in potential. The plenum is no longer formless: its surface is of unimaginable complexity and coherence; its depth is fully in-formed. The cosmic proto-consciousness that endowed the primeval plenum with its universe-creative potentials becomes a fully articulate cosmic consciousness – it becomes, and thenceforth eternally is, THE SELF-REALIZED MIND OF GOD.’

In other words, the purpose, the meaning, of all that is and isn’t is to



. . . to become aware of the true reality of who and what we are.

. . . only awareness remaining

What we are witnessing in the Stillpoint phenomena is evidence of a consciousness that has run the gauntlet through the labyrinth of existence that is the

Evolution of Consciousness

in the physical, manifested Universe.

From the original whim to awaken within the original oblivion to its ultimate culmination in the Omega point, consciousness has weaned itself from the dualistic, eons-long, tooth and claw, survival/fear-based reality, to become totally enlightened . . . free from the wheel of life and chooses to return . . . bodhisattva . . . to help . . . placing signposts to encourage us, to guide us, on our journeys - and to accelerate the process of the evolution of consciousness in the Universe.

Life's journey, as we all know, is so often a difficult one . . . for many, almost impossible. We are challenged at each step on the path, beyond survival, to find the truth, to find our way to a life filled with meaning. There is an ancient Greek myth that not only describes the confusing, dangerous, sometimes impossible aspect of the journey, but includes too the archetype that others have gone before us and are there for us as guides when we become lost.


Ariadne's Thread


Ariadne was the daughter of King Minos of Crete. Her father refused to sacrifice a bull to Poseidon, so the god took revenge by causing Minos’s wife Pasiphaë to desire a bull – Pasiphaë eventually giving birth to a being that was half man, half bull . . . the Minotaur. Minos had Daedalus build a Labyrinth, a house of winding passages, to house this beast. Minos then required tribute from Athens by requiring young men and women to be sacrificed by entering this Labyrinth with its innumerable paths of deception . . . where the Minotaur lay in wait. This is an analogy of the endlessly tricky and dangerous path of awakening.

Theseus, an Athenian, volunteered to accompany one of these groups of victims, with the intention of delivering his country from the tribute to Minos. Ariadne had fallen in love with Theseus, and to protect him gave him a thread which he let unwind through the Labyrinth so that he was able to find his way home after he had vanquished the Minotaur.

Theseus risked his life to save his countrymen by entering the dark Labyrinth from which no one returned. It was a bodhisattvic act . . . inspired by compassion, and



Oil painting showing 3-dimensional light brown labyrinth with fighting at the center

Theseus and the Minotaur by Maestro di Tavarnelle - 16th century

In the bodhisattvic tradition, the Bodhisattva, or awakened being, chooses not to remain in the undisturbed awakened state until all of humanity has been awakened. Bodhisattva is compassionate understanding, transcending the seeming separateness of 'other' . . . complete in the realization of One Being. Regarding Ariadne’s Thread, it is almost as though awakened consciousness itself, in the tradition of bodhisattva, has woven a thread to guide us through this labyrinth of the mind towards freedom . . . towards pure awakened awareness. Ariadne's Thread served as a guide initiated by love to bring Theseus home.

On a vastly grander scale, this is exactly what we are witnessing with what has been presented . . . signposts guiding us home. These signposts include:


The Stillpoint, or consciousness, geometry found in the dimensions of the Earth, Moon, and Sun;

Earth-Moon Diagram - image of North and South America on Earth with silver Moon above, within sacred geometry
Lavender Flower of Life pattern of interpenetrating circles with bright white center

The accuracy upon which these dimensions are based can be found in ACCURACY: EARTH MOON SUN.


The perfect total eclipse of the Sun by the Moon;

Black circle of the Moon over large bright yellow-orange corona, black backgound

The accuracy upon which this phenomenon is made possible can be found in ACCURACY: EARTH MOON SUN.


and the

The extraordinarily precise and unnatural geometric precision of the orbits of the planets.

White on dark brown image of the nesting the planetary orbits in the Platonic Solids

The Nesting of the Platonic Solids in the Orbits of the Planets

From Johann Kepler's Mysterium Cosmographicum . . . 1596

The accuracy upon which this discovery is based can be found in KEPLER’S DISCOVERY.

White on brown image showing Fibonacci relationship between Earth and Venus

From John Martineau’s A Little Book of Coincidence in the Solar System.

The unexplained geometric relationship between the orbits of Earth and Venus. This pattern emerges by drawing a line between Earth and Venus every two days and watching the pattern emerge over a period of 8 Earth-years and 13 Venusian-years . . . both Fibonacci, or Golden Mean, numbers . . . as is the number 5.

The accuracy upon which this discovery is based can be found in MORE PRECISION - PLANETARY ORBITS.

We are being guided home by those who have made the journey through the labyrinth before us and who have placed signposts along the way that cannot be ignored.

The creators of our solar system knew at its inception that, in time, consciousness would evolve on Earth to the point where all this would be seen and recognized for what it is . . . and for the first time on this planet, the existence of an evolved higher consciousness we have been calling 'God' by many names for thousands of years would be scientifically verified.

They also knew that at some point civilization would reach the archetypal juncture, or crossroads, in its evolutionary process that we are now facing . . . the threat of extinction due to our inability to wean ourselves from the dualistic, tooth and claw world that got us here. Dr. Steven Greer, the founder of the Center for the Study of Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (CSETI), as well as the Disclosure Project, mentions this interval in his talk in London in September of 2015. When addressing the status of our present level of collective consciousness, he said:


'As [physicist] Michio Kaku points out, we're not even a Level One civilization. We're at level Zero. Level One is: You're living peacefully and you're not cannibalizing your biosphere and have sustainable energy systems that don't endanger the environment.'


This is the transition we now face . . . the transition from all belief systems based upon dualism and separateness to a knowing that everything is connected – and our role shifts from the ignorant assassin of all complex life on Earth to the conscientious and aware steward of an intimately connected ecosystem.

WHY NOW? addresses the crisis that complex life on Earth is now experiencing.

All of the above is evidence of guidance.

All discovered at the very time we need it the most.

There’s more.

In PERFECT TOTAL ECLIPSE, the incredible 'good fortune' that we are even able to witness a perfect total eclipse of the Sun by the Moon is made clear.

Much has been said about time . . . hundreds, thousands, millions, and billions of years.

This is about




In the 4 ½ billion years of the Moon's existence, the Moon has been slowly moving away from Earth. It is estimated that our Sun, our solar system, has a lifespan of around 10 billion years. Within this vast amount of time there is a tiny, 1% window, where total eclipse . . . as seen from Earth . . . is possible.

We’re in that window.

A billion years after the Moon's creation, life began on Earth some 3 ½ billion years ago . . . and has been ever so slowing evolving to where humans like us – homo sapiens – arrived around 200,000 years ago . . . 200,000 is 0.006% of 3 ½ billion. This absurdly tiny window – where humans are alive – just happens to coincide perfectly with the tiny 1% window just mentioned. That is, both very slowly progressing processes, through billions of years, align within these tiny windows of time, permitting humanity to witness perfect total eclipse.

Orthodox materialistic science tells us that the total eclipse itself is a coincidence . . . as well as the fact that we happen to be alive to witness it . . . pinpoints within pinpoints of possibility.


The evolution of life on Earth began 3 1/2 billion years ago.

Besides the ‘fortunate’ timing that allows us to experience perfect total eclipse, there are other, equally unlikely, examples of ‘coincidence’ requiring uncanny timing. Within the 200,000-year window of time where humans like us have existed, evolving humanity experienced a global catastrophe requiring a restart, and some 12,000 years later . . . now (and at the very time we are experiencing the threat of a 6th extinction event) . . . we recently experienced yet another significant, and tiny, window – the Winter Solstice alignment of the Earth and the Sun with the center of the galaxy that marks the beginning of a new, 25,920-year Great Year, or Precession of the Equinoxes (see below for a full discussion of the significance of the Great Year).

So, here we are, looking into the abyss, and the great majority of the discoveries already mentioned are not only new to us, but have arrived during the 36-year transit of our Winter Solstice with what the Mayans considered to be the cosmic center and the source of their spiritual wisdom . . . the black hole . . . the Stillpoint . . . at the center of our galaxy.

The transit of the center of the galaxy by the Winter Solstice alignment of the Earth and Sun from 1980 and 2016 is yet another signpost guiding us along our journey. The Winter Solstice literally and figuratively signifies the return of the light each year as the nadir represented by the shortest day - and in this case, demarcating the nadir of light, and the return of the light - for the 25,920-year-long Precession of the Equinoxes called the Great Year. One degree of this Great Year equals 72 years. Since the diameter of the Sun equals exactly a half of a degree, or 36 years (very interesting in itself), this transit lasts 36 years and happens once every 25,920 years and recently occurred between 1980 through 2016 . . . we are at the very beginning of a new Great Year . . . and a new paradigm.

This window of time . . . 36 . . . is .001% of 25,920.



Bright light blue stars in background, horizontal, black to orange Milky Way, bright Sun at center

Winter Solstice transit of the Earth and Sun and the center of the Galaxy in Sagitarius . . . 1980-2016


Regarding the Winter Solstice alignment of the Earth and Sun with the center of the galaxy, we once again enter the now-familiar theme of near impossibility. Each year, as the Sun travels across the stars as seen from Earth, it passes through the plane of our galaxy, the Milky Way, twice. One of these intersections just happens to be the center of the galaxy . . . and this transit happens once every 25,920 years . . . and recently occurred from 1980 through 2016.

If one can envision the galactic plane, as well as the plane of the ecliptic (the plane of the solar system), as two separate plates that could be held, one in each hand, one can see that there is a literal infinity of possible orientations between the one and the other. Of these infinite possibilities, the plane of the solar system happens to be aligned almost




with the center of the galaxy - making possible the Winter Solstice alignment with the Earth, the Sun, and the galactic center. Were this alignment not happening, there could be no Winter Solstice alignment with the center . . . no demarcating of a beginning or ending. It is part of the communication.

It is also true that of the infinite possibilities of the angle between the ecliptic and the plane of the galaxy, that angle is almost precisely


60 Degrees

. . . the principle angle belonging to the

Stillpoint . Vector Equilibrium

Flower of Life


the heart of

Sacred Geometry


(Click to enlarge)


It also happens that while our solar system is located very close to 25,920 light-years from the center of the galaxy (science now tells us the distance is 25,800 light-years), it also takes the wobble of the axis of the Earth to transit 25,920* years in one revolution, or 1 degree every 72 years . . . the Precession of the Equinoxes called the Great Year . . . the light emitted near the center of the galaxy reaches us exactly one Great Year later.

Imagine this: the center of the galaxy is around 25,920 light-years away from us - the time it takes light traveling at the speed of light – 186,000 miles a second - to reach us. Imagine looking at the center of the galaxy, and then slowly turning around in a circle until you were once again looking at the center of the galaxy . . . and this took you 25,920 years to complete . . . point to point. The light emitted from the center of the galaxy arrives on Earth in almost exactly the amount of time it takes for one Great Year, one revolution of the wobble of the Earth’s axis.


This extraordinary timing and precision, along with the precision of the angle of alignment of the ecliptic with the plane of the galaxy and near impossibility of any alignment at all, once again destroys any consideration that this could have happened randomly. This also is part of the communication.

(*: The length of the Great Year is an idealized 25,920 years. Science has determined the length of the Great Year to be 25,772 years, or 99.43% of the idealized number. But science bases its number on a very small sampling of data that may not be precisely constant . . . meaning that if measurements were taken over a period of thousands of years, rather than hundreds, it may well be that the traditional value is, in fact, accurate. Close enough).


Video annimation of the Precession of the Equinoxes by Steven Sanders.


Please note that the 25,920-year length of the Great Year is determined by the time it takes the Earth’s wobble to make one revolution at its present angle of 23.5 degrees. But even this figure is in flux: the tilt of the Earth oscillates between a minimum of 22.1 degrees and a maximum 24.5 degrees over a period of 41,000 years. This cycle affects seasonal climate: the bigger tilt means hotter summers and colder winters.

There is a megalithic site in the Orkney Islands named Maeshowe that enshrines this 41,000-year cycle in stone. Dating from around 2800 B.C., it is one of the best-preserved megalithic chambered cairns in the world, its long chamber pointing directly at the rising position of the midwinter sun . . . today . . . now. While the Sun today rises straight down the passage, at the time it was built the Sun would have risen off-axis, as it will do thousands of years in the future on the other side. Once again, something designed in the distant past is



to the present, to today’s world, to



Image created by John Martineau


In this section, the idea is presented that aspects of the communication from the creators of our solar system are actually signposts . . . Ariadne’s Thread . . . helping us on our journey through the labyrinth of the evolution of consciousness. Seven of these were fixed in time 4.6 billion years ago:


1. The Stillpoint geometry symbolically and intentionally embedded in the dimensions of the Earth, Moon and Sun.

2. The geometric precision of the orbits of the planets in the solar system.

3. The fact that, out of infinite possibilities, the ecliptic, or plane of the solar system, is aligned perfectly with the center of the galaxy, making possible the Winter Solstice alignment of the Earth, the Sun, and the center of the galaxy.

4. The precision of the 60-degree angle (the principal angle of the Stillpoint geometry) between the solar system’s ecliptic with the plane of the galaxy.

5. Not yet mentioned in this context, but appropriate to include here, is the fact that 1x2x3x4x5x6x7 = 7x8x9x10 = 5040 = the sum of the radii of the Earth (3690 miles) and the Moon (1080 miles). This remarkable fact points directly to the importance of the number seven – the one number mainly associated with the Phi, or Stillpoint, Pyramid that is part of the Stillpoint geometry. The main angle of the Stillpoint Pyramid comes very close to dividing a circle into sevenths (one-seventh of a circle = 51.43 degrees and the apex angle of the phi pyramid is 51°51' degrees).

6. The Message in Detail (including both spacial and temporal facts about the Earth, Moon and Sun) compiled by Christopher Knight and Alan Butler and included in the section:

7. The FIVE 'coincidences' regarding Kepler's discovery that the orbits of the six interior planets . . . Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn . . . relate very closely to the FIVE Platonic Solids - each of these individual 'coincidences' having nothing to do with determining or affecting the other 'coincidence'. See:


Further, five perfectly



events lasting thousands to millions to billions of years have also been presented . . . each of them directing our attention to the critical importance of what is happening on Earth




1. The perfect total eclipse of the Sun by the Moon is experienced only within a window that is 1% of the life of the solar system as the Moon moves slowly away from Earth.

2. The slow progress of the 3 1/2-billion-year evolution of life on planet Earth, culminating in the 200,000-year window, or .006% of that time, where humans are alive . . . which happens to be within this 1% window.

3. The fact that our solar system is almost exactly 25,920 light-years away from the center of the galaxy (25,800 according to the latest scientific estimate), while it takes almost exactly 25,920 years to complete one Great Year (25,772 according to the latest scientific estimate). All empirical data is within 99.43% of the traditional, and ideal, figure of 25,920.

4. The fact that Winter Solstice alignment of the Sun and Earth recently transited the center of the galaxy (the source of the Mayan's spiritual wisdom) for 36 years - .001% of the 25,920-year Great Year, or Precession of the Equinoxes . . . when we happen to be alive to witness it.

5. The construction of the Maeshowe tomb in the Orkney Islands almost 5,000 years ago, making possible the Midwinter sunrise straight down the center of the long entrance tunnel . . . now . . . while enshrining in stone the 41,000-year cycle of the tilt of Earth’s axis.


Five Unrelated Timelines




I’m not sure how it could be more clear that none of this happened by accident, and that in fact it all was created intentionally and precisely, on the grandest stage imaginable, as a communication and for a reason.

Why all this coincides with now is addressed in WHY NOW?

The next section, THE STILLPOINT PYRAMID, makes clear that the Great Pyramid is an analog of Earth . . . recording both its spacial and temporal elements . . . and is based upon the pure, ideal, Phi pyramid embedded in the Stillpoint geometry.

This means that the Earth’s intentional creation was based upon the Stillpoint geometry, and that billions of years later, a great pile of meticulously cut stones, perfectly scaled to Earth, appear on a plateau by the Nile River in what is now the Egyptian desert.

Guidance in real time.


(Click on image to open in larger view)


